10 Internet Rabbit Hole Deep Dives
The internet is a vast expanse of information, mystery, and intrigue. It's easy to find oneself tumbling down fascinating rabbit holes, exploring the most unusual and captivating corners of the digital world. In this article, we'll delve into 10 such rabbit holes that offer endless exploration and intrigue.
1. Scientology Vs Internet
1. Scientology Vs Internet
A collection of encounters between The Church of Scientology and the public, captured by netizens.
Recently you may have seen the live-streamers (on TikTok and YouTube) protesting outside of scientology buildings. The history of scientology vs internet actually goes back over 15 years, and it's quite a rabbit hole. Here's a YouTube playlist of videos I've seen over the years. There are a lot of interesting stories here.
You should visit the playlist on youtube and sort by date to see the latest videos, or the full history from the beginning.
An even bigger collection of bizarre and funny videos I've stumbled upon while exploring the platform
Delve into the world of Starseeds, individuals who believe they are extraterrestrial souls incarnated in human bodies, here to assist humanity. There are various Starseed types like Andromedan, Indigo, and Lightworkers, each with unique missions and cosmic origins.
A Google search about Nibiru can quickly become a rabbit hole, as the planet is generally not accepted as a real planet in astronomy. Or at least not one with much data. The beliefs range from prophecies, aliens, and the conviction that Nibiru's approach signals significant earthly and spiritual transformations.
5. Kailasa: The Nation Founded by a 'YouTube Guru'
Uncover the story of the controversial guru Nithyananda who claimed to establish his own country, Kailasa, on a remote island. This rabbit hole explores the blend of spiritual, legal, and digital elements that define this self-proclaimed nation, which lacks international recognition but offers an intriguing narrative of sovereignty and religion.
6. Mandela Effect: The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon in which a large group of people (mostly on internet) have a shared false memory of an event or fact. This can include things like remembering Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, when in reality he died in 2013.
7. List of Unusual Deaths: Wikipedia's "List of Unusual Deaths" is a rabbit hole filled with strange and unexpected ways people have died throughout history.
8. The Ashley Madison scandal, which erupted in 2015, stands as a stark reminder of the fragility of digital privacy online. Ashley Madison, a dating website marketed for people seeking extramarital affairs, suffered a massive data breach perpetrated by a group called The Impact Team. This breach led to the public release of personal details, including names, email addresses, and credit card information, of over 30 million users.
9. The Deep Web: The deep web, also known as the "hidden internet," is a vast network of websites and databases that can only be accessed using special software or authorization. This includes everything from government databases to illegal marketplaces. The darknet is a specific part of the deep web that is used for illegal activities such as drug trafficking, hacking, and money laundering. It can only be accessed using special software such as Tor.
My deviantart account is turning into quite a rabbit hole!
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