Top 5 talking Animal YouTubes

In the great maze that is YouTube, there’s always a theme that can make everyone laugh: talking animal videos. Don’t believe me? Try to think of a clip of a dog having a conversation that did not make you laugh. It’s the absurdity that makes these clips great. On a long boring Monday morning when you need to beat the blues, put on some headphones and curl into the corner of your cubicle to watch these Top 5 talking animal YouTubes.

Ultimate Dog Tease

This dog cannot handle hearing about all his foodie dreams get passed on to other people…especially the house cat.

“I love you” dog

Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend. So it’s nice when they can say “I love you” back.

Cat Turf War

I wouldn’t cross into this cat’s territory either.

Lemur Discussing Quantum Physics

It’s always nice to be taught science lessons by an endangered lemur.

Ghetto Deer
(Warning: Some ghetto cursing! =D)

This deer shows the other animals who runs the neighborhood. The baby deer isn’t going to get any dates for awhile.

Want more WeirdTubes Animal Videos?? Visit on Tumblr!

Guest Writer: Terry Carter loves using YouTube as the occasional work distraction. She writes about a variety of topics online, including Demon Herbal Incense.


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