Promoting Your Video - Text is Key
Is your video getting little views? Here are some tips to help boost your visibility.
Post a story and include your video, here on Tubeblogger =)
Whether you have a video on Youtube, Metacafe, or any other video-sharing site, you'll need text descriptions for people to find it online. Most people will probably find it through searching or through related videos, which is mostly controlled by text; keywords that the videos have in common.
Subtitles, Annotations, and Comments count as text that will help your video be found.
Writings around the web that includes a link to your video counts as text, in fact, that's probably the best promotion you can get.
Post a story and include your video, here on Tubeblogger =)
Whether you have a video on Youtube, Metacafe, or any other video-sharing site, you'll need text descriptions for people to find it online. Most people will probably find it through searching or through related videos, which is mostly controlled by text; keywords that the videos have in common.
Subtitles, Annotations, and Comments count as text that will help your video be found.
Writings around the web that includes a link to your video counts as text, in fact, that's probably the best promotion you can get.
- Descriptions and Keywords Write a story in the description that includes ALL the (key)words that could possibly describe your video. Under labels you should write any words that your video can be categorized under. The most important words should be in the beginning of your description, and be repeated throughout the text. But should't fill more than 5% or so of the total text. It's the same principle of Keyword Density that web writers study carefully.
- Captioning And Annotations Youtube has a way to add captioning (subtitles), this counts as text that makes people find your video in searches. It's under captions and subtitles where you edit video details. If you don't have time to write subtitles you can tell Youtube to add 'Machine Transcriptions'. It might come out kinda funny or intelligible, but people can turn it on/off by clicking the CC button while watching your video. Annotations are those text bubbles that show up throughout some videos, use them as long as it doesn't ruin your video.
- Twitter/Social Networks Have your video posted on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, with a description. The Youtube Machine looks at how many people have been talking about your video; and what words they use, for categorizing it. Don't use the exact same sentence you've used before anywhere else, you'll be punished by the google search algorithm. (Duplicate Content = Bad)
- Blogs/Sites It's important to have a lot of sources pointing to your video. Don't miss out on an opportunity to post your video somewhere. On some blogs (like here on Tubeblogger) you can add links in addition to your comments. Not only will you get more views directly through the site, even if you don't, the Google/Youtube machine will rank your video higher in searches. It definitely depends on the Page Rank (popularity) of the site where your video is on, of course.