Top 10 Latest "James Bond" Gadgets
Watch Camera/Phone
Get a wristwatch with a camera on it, or even a touchscreen phone watch with MP3 and video player.
Or get a cheaper one =)
Calculator Spycam
Spy on something from your desk with this camera. On the side of a calculator its nearly unnoticeable. Has an internal 2GB memory.
You can get it for about $173.79 from the Chinavasion website.
Spy Camera Belt Buckle
Spy from a low angle with the belt buckle camera. James Bond wouldn't even notice. This belt buckle has its own website at Bucklecamera com
Kite with Spy Camera
Get some high angle footage from the sky with the kite camera.
Buy from for about £30
Also check out the radio controlled Spy car.
Gadget For hearing Sounds
Pick up low sounds with the sound amplifier. Hear small sounds you couldn't easily hear, eavesdrop from across the room.
Camcorder Pen
Camera (and other features) hidden inside a pen. This can always be useful to have around. Again there are many different types and prices to choose from.
Buttonhole Spy Camera
Attach to your shirt or jacket and start spying. Or hook up a wireless system for unlimited recording.
Spy Glasses
Film whatever you see with these spy glasses.
There are a couple different types and prices to choose from here
Other spy cams
Spy camera inside of a working bluetooth headset.
A small cheap spy camera.
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