"Beauty and the Geek" scam/virus spreading online
Two weeks ago the facebook scam video tricked a large number of people,but this week, suspicion spread quickly about a "Beauty and the Geek "invitation, sent to thousands of people. About three hours ago, a huge number of people received this email and most of them immediately went to google.
The invitation comes in the form of an E-mail with an attachment. The mail reads something like:
We're looking for geeks all over the U.S. They need to be highly intelligent and shy around girls etc.
All the contestants genuinely had an amazing time last year and are recommending it to their mates this year. They get the chance to teach hot girls a thing or two, and a chance to win $100,000! So far - I haven’t spoken to a single geek who’s been offended that I’ve called them one. But if you’d rather - please do pass on their details to me and I’ll get in touch with them anonymously.
I’ve attached flyers in case you want to forward on, or put up in your office...The attached flyer is of course malware. I hope not too many people fell for this and opened the attachement.